M162-10 LCR meter works at 10KHz frequency. This makes the meter far more suitable for small value measurements. With pretty stable readings, this device can measure resistance down to 10mΩ, capacitance to 0.1pF, and inductance to 0.1μH. Its accuracy is about 1% with no special calibration required.
The operations of M162-10 are the same as M162 except the measurement frequency can not be changed.
Highlights of M162-10 LCR Meter:
- Resistance range: 0.01Ω — 10MΩ
- Capacitance range: 0.1pF — 2000μF
- Inductance range: 0.1μH — 20H
- Fully automatic ranging
- Accuracy: about 1%
- Measurement frequency: 10KHz (fixed)
- Measurement voltage: 0.5Vpp
- Built-in virtual USB comport for data transfer and firmware upgrade
- Serial data output via USB comport or direct LVTTL
- Display HOLD function
- USB/Battery powered
- Easy to build, easy to use
- Optional acrylic enclosure (sold separately)
- Can be customized for different measurement frequency (< 50KHz) and voltage (< 2Vpp)
Application examples:
Photo: Capacitance between wires (30mm)
Photo: Capacitance between wires (15mm)
Photo: Inductance of wire (50mm)
Photo: Inductance of wire (20mm)
Video: Measuring resistors
Video: Measuring capacitors
Video: Measuring inductors
Video: Measuring mili-ohm resistors